Ayurveda Diet and Lifestyle Tips For A Healthy Winter

People with a predominant Kapha body constitution should take particular care during winter as kapha imbalance is pretty common in the form of cold and cough. Ginger tea works best for kapha people. Also, lessen the intake of grains.
Because of the cold outside, the body is instinctively in a contracted mode. Frequent body massage with oil that suits your skin type helps release contraction in the muscles.
Treat yourself to aromatherapy and light some eucalyptus oil in the room. It aids breathing and helps release any congestion in the throat or chest area.
According to Ayurveda, napping during the day in winter should be avoided. Also, avoid sleeping in for long hours as that promotes sluggishness in the body. Ensure an adequate sleep of 6-8 hours at night. As you get ready to sleep, gargle with warm water, and add a pinch of turmeric powder and salt, everyday or every alternate day.
Make sure you get your daily dose of sunlight by engaging in some outdoor activity such as gardening, early morning or late evening sun gazing, walking, etc.
Food preparations that contain milk, butter, sugarcane juice, and ghee (clarified butter) are recommended during this season. It is good to include warm soups, stewed vegetables, cooked rice and oatmeal in your diet. These foods provide soothing warmth to the system.
Nuts such as almonds, cashews, walnuts and pistachios (taken sparingly) make a good diet supplement in the cold weather. Dates, figs, spinach and green leafy vegetables are also ideal.
Herbal supplements such as Chyavanprash and Dasamoola Rasayan are particularly recommended in the winter season as they help fight cold in the body.

Free Yourself From Congestion


1 teaspoon lemon juice, 1 teaspoon ginger juice, 1 teaspoon honey

Mix ingredients well in 1 cup of lukewarm water and drink.

Boil 20 Tulsi (Basil) leaves, 5 grams of ginger, and 7 peppercorns

Add sweetener, if needed and drink.